Tracking vacuum progress

In PostgreSQL 9.6, the community introduced a system view many people have been waiting for. For many years, people wanted to track the progress of a vacuum process to see how long things might still take.

pg_stat_progress_vacuum has been invented to address this issue:

test=# \d pg_stat_progress_vacuum  
           View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_vacuum" 
       Column       |  Type   |... 
 pid                | integer |... 
 datid              | oid     |... 
 datname            | name    |... 
 relid              | oid     |... 
 phase              | text    |... 
 heap_blks_total    | bigint  |... 
 heap_blks_scanned  | bigint  |... 
 heap_blks_vacuumed | bigint  |... 
 index_vacuum_count | bigint  |... 
 max_dead_tuples    | bigint  |... 
 num_dead_tuples    | bigint  |...

Most of the columns speak for themselves, and ...

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