Inspecting tables

Once you have gained an overview of what is going on in your databases, it might be a good idea to dig deeper and see what is going on in individual tables. Two system views are here to help you: pg_stat_user_tables and pg_statio_user_tables. Here is the first one:

test=# \d pg_stat_user_tables View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables" Column | Type | ... ---------------------+--------------------------+-... relid | oid | ... schemaname | name |... relname | name |... seq_scan | bigint |... seq_tup_read | bigint |... idx_scan | bigint |... idx_tup_fetch | bigint |... n_tup_ins | bigint |... n_tup_upd | bigint |... n_tup_del | bigint |... n_tup_hot_upd | bigint |... n_live_tup | bigint |... n_dead_tup | bigint |... n_mod_since_analyze ...

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