Play's logging API

Play exposes the logging API through play.api.Logger. Let's have a look at the class and object definition of it:

class Logger(val logger: Slf4jLogger) extends LoggerLike

object Logger extends LoggerLike {

  val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("application")

  def apply(name: String): Logger = new Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(name))

  def apply[T](clazz: Class[T]): Logger = new Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz))



The LoggerLike trait is just a wrapper over Slf4jLogger. By default, all application logs are mapped to Logger with the application name and the Play-related logs are mapped to Logger with the Play name.

After importing play.api.Logger, we can use the default logger or define a custom one in these ways:

  • By using ...

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