Unit testing

Unit tests can be written as in any Scala project. For example, suppose we have a utility method isNumberInRange that takes a string and checks if it's a number in the range [0,3600]. It is defined as follows:

def isNumberInRange(x:String):Boolean = {
    val mayBeNumber = Try{x.toDouble}
    mayBeNumber match{
      case Success(n) => if(n>=0 && n<=3600) true else false
      case Failure(e) => false

Let's write a unit test to check this function using Specs2:

class UtilSpec extends Specification { "range method" should { "fail for Character String" in { Util.isNumberInRange("xyz") should beFalse } "fail for Java null" in { Util.isNumberInRange(null) should beFalse } "fail for Negative numbers" in { Util.isNumberInRange("-2") should beFalse } "pass ...

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