Extending a parser

Let's extend the JSON parser so that we get a subscription model. We will assume that the Subscription model is defined as follows:

case class Subscription(emailId: String, interval: String) 

Now, let's write a parser that transforms the request body into a subscription object. The following code should be written in a controller:

val parseAsSubscription = parse.using {
    request => 
      parse.json.map {
        body => 
          val emailId:String = (body \ "emailId").as[String] 
          val fromDate:Long = (body \ "fromDate").as[Long] 
          Subscription(emailId, fromDate)

  implicit val subWrites = Json.writes[Subscription]
  def getSub = Action(parseAsSubscription) {
    request => 
      val subscription: Subscription = request.body

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