
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


24-bit color, Basic Graphics Concepts
& (ampersand)
&& (logical and) operator, Logical Operators
(bitwise and) operator, Bitwise Operators
< and > (angle brackets)
<< left shift operator, Bitwise Operators
<> line input operator, Input from Files Named on the Command Line
> (arrow operator), The arrow operator
>> right shift operator, Bitwise Operators
* (asterisk) quantifier, Quantifiers
@ (at sign), Basic Perl Data Types
@INC array, Storing Modules
-- (autodecrement operator), Arithmetic Operators
\ (backslash)
escaping metacharacters, Escaping with \
metasymbols, use in, Metasymbols
\@ (backslash-at), References to Arrays
! (bang)
! (logical negation) operator, Logical Operators
!~ (binding) operator, Binding Operators
#! (shebang) notation, Command Interpretation
!~ (binding operators), Binding Operators
^ (caret), parse_rebase
metacharacter in regular expressions, Beginning and end of strings with ^ and $
/i (case-insensitive) matching, Pattern Modifiers
:// (colon-slashes), URLs
{} (curly braces), Namespaces Compared with Scoping: my and use strict, Anonymous hashes
dereferencing and, Dereferencing
{} (curly braces) quantifier, Quantifiers
-w flag, Command Interpretation ...

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