

1966–69 bull market, major market top of, 27-29

final stages of, 44-47

1966–82 bear market, end of, 119-121

1968–70 bear market, major market bottom of, 71-74, 87-89

1969 market top, target calculations, 112-114

1970 market bottom, target calculations, 114-115

1970–73 bull market, major market top of, 29-31

final stages of, 47-48

1972–73 market top, target calculations, 115-116

1973–74 bear market, major market bottom of, 74-76, 89-91

1974–75 market bottom, target calculations, 117

1975–76 bull market, major market top of, 31-33

final stages of, 49-52

1976 market top, target calculations, 118-119

1980–81 bull market, major market top of, 33, 36

final stages of, 52-56

1981 market top, target calculations, 119-121

1981–82 bear market, ...

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