Example of covariance rule application

Before moving on, let's simulate this behavior with a simple Python example. We first generate 1000 values sampled from a bivariate Gaussian distribution (the variance is voluntarily asymmetric) and then we apply the covariance rule to find the first principal component (w(0) has been chosen so not to be orthogonal to v1):

import numpy as nprs = np.random.RandomState(1000)X = rs.normal(loc=1.0, scale=(20.0, 1.0), size=(1000, 2))w = np.array([30.0, 3.0])S = np.cov(X.T)for i in range(10):    w += np.dot(S, w)    w /= np.linalg.norm(w)    w *= 50.0print(np.round(w, 1))[ 50.  -0.]

The algorithm is straightforward, but there are a couple of elements that we need to comment on. The first one is the normalization of ...

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