Enabling lockd

For image-based storage pools which are POSIX compliant, you can enable it easily by uncommenting lock_manager = "lockd" in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf or on both hypervisors:

Now, enable and start the virtlockd service on both the hypervisors. Also, restart libvirtd on both the hypervisors.

# systemctl enable virtlockd; systemctl start virtlockd
# systemctl restart libvirtd
# systemctl status virtlockd

Starting vm1 on f22-02:

[root@f22-02]# virsh start vm1
Domain vm1 started

Starting the same vm1 on f22-01:

[root@f22-01]# virsh start vm1
error: Failed to start domain vm1
error: resource busy: Lockspace resource '/var/lib/libvirt/images/testvms/vm1.qcow2' is locked

Another method to enable lockd is to use a hash of the disk's file path. ...

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