Adding business logic to FXML

Although I strongly advise against doing it, you can put bits of the business logic directly into FXML by using the JavaScript engine and the fx:script tag.

In the next example, we declare a handler directly in the FXML and assign it to the button:

<?language javascript?><?import javafx.scene.control.*?><?import javafx.scene.layout.*?><HBox alignment="CENTER" spacing="5.0" xmlns:fx="">    <fx:script>        function handleButtonAction(event) {           textField.setText("clicked");        }    </fx:script>    <children>      <Label text="Label" />      <TextField fx:id="textField" />      <Button fx:id="button" text="Button"                     onAction="handleButtonAction(event);"/>   </children></HBox>

And, on button click, the TextField value will ...

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