Making our own module

To make most of the modularization, we should start with creating our own module:

  1. First, let's see which modules are used in our small applications using the jdeps tool:
        "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jdeps" --generate-module-info . dist/SimpleApp.jar

This call will generate a file that describes our application as a module:

        module chapterEleven {            requires javafx.base;            requires javafx.controls;            requires transitive javafx.fxml;            requires transitive;             exports chapterEleven;        }  

We see that our application depends on only four modules (and java.base, which is always included).

  1. Unfortunately, jdeps missed one more thing, which we need to add manually:
        opens chapterEleven to javafx.fxml;

This line is ...

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