Using pseudo-classes

Pseudo-classes allow you to set different styles for different states of the JavaFX nodes.

For example, for a radio button control, you can set a different style for the selected item using the :selected pseudo-class:

/* chapter6/syntax/pseudo-class-demo.css */.radio-button { -fx-font-size: 30 }.radio-button:selected { -fx-text-fill: red; -fx-font-weight: bold }

Using this style sheet in the following demonstration produces a customized radio button group:

// chapter6/syntax/PseudoClassDemo.javapublic void start(Stage stage) {    VBox root = new VBox(10);    ToggleGroup group = new ToggleGroup();    for (String title : new String[] {"Cats", "Dogs", "Birds", "Mices"}) {        RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(title); rb.setToggleGroup(group); ...

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