
Similar to the State database table, this will retrieve all of the county data. It accepts a geometry parameter to decide if it will return the geometry of each county:

@app.route('/nba/api/v0.1/county', methods=['GET'])def get_counties():  counties = session.query(County).all()  geoms = { for county in counties}  if 'geometry' in request.args.keys():      data = [{"type": "Feature",       "properties":{"name", "state"},       "geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon",   "coordinates":[shapely.geometry.geo.mapping(to_shape(state.geom)["coordinates"]]},       } for county in counties]  else:      data = [{"type": "Feature",       "properties":{"name", "state"},  "geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon", ...

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