Polygons in the database

You can also store polygons using PostGIS. The following code will create a new table with a single polygon:

from shapely.geometry import Polygonconnection = psycopg2.connect(database="pythonspatial",user="postgres", password="postgres")cursor = conectionn.cursor()cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE poly (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, location GEOMETRY)")a=Polygon([(-106.936763,35.958191),(-106.944385,35.239293),           (-106.452396,35.281908),(-106.407844,35.948708)])cursor.execute("INSERT INTO poly (location)              VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('{}'))".format(a.wkt))connection.commit()

The previous code is almost identical to the Point and Line examples. Make the database connection and then get a cursor. Use execute() to create the table. Import ...

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