Populating the data

With the tables in place, we need to grab the data and populate them. The following code will grab the area commands and insert them into our table:

url='http://coagisweb.cabq.gov/arcgis/rest/services/public/adminboundaries/MapServer/8/query'params={"where":"1=1","outFields":"*","outSR":"4326","f":"json"}r=requests.get(url,params=params)data=r.json()for acmd in data['features']:    polys=[]     for ring in acmd['geometry']['rings']:        polys.append(Polygon(ring))    p=MultiPolygon(polys)    name=acmd['attributes']['Area_Command']        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO areacommand (name, geom) VALUES ('{}',    ST_GeomFromText('{}'))".format(name, p.wkt))  connection.commit()

The previous code uses requests to query the URL passing parameters. The ...

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