
Shapely can be installed using:

pip install shapely

Or with conda:

conda install -c scitools shapely

Shapely makes the task of creating and working with geometries easier and makes your code cleaner. In the previous code, you concatenated a string to create a WKT representation of a point. Using Shapely, you can create a point and then convert it to WKT. The following code shows you how:

from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPointthepoints=[]for a in data["features"]:    code=a["attributes"]["ART_CODE"]    p=Point(float(a["geometry"]["x"]),float(a["geometry"]["y"]))    thepoints.append(p)    if a["geometry"]["x"]=='NaN':        pass    else:        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO art_pieces (code, location)             VALUES ('{}',        ST_GeomFromText('{}'))".format(code, 

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