Loading rasters into PostgreSQL

To load a raster into PostgreSQL, you can use the raster2pgsql binary. If it is not in your path, you may need to add it. You should be able to find the binary in your PostgreSQL install directory on Windows at \PostgreSQL\10\bin.

The following command should be executed from your operating system's command line. It will load the TIF you created earlier in this chapter into an existing PostgreSQL database:

>raster2pgsql -I -C -s 4326 C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\BigI.tif public.bigi | psql -U postgres -d pythonspatial

The previous command uses raster2pgsql with the -I (creates an index), -C (adds raster constraints), and -s 4326 (the SRID) parameters. Using the pipe operator on Windows, you send the command to psql ...

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