Nearest neighbor

Using a buffer, you can get all the incidents within a specified radius of the point of interest. But what if you only want the 5, 10, or 15 closest incidents? To do that, you can use the <-> operator or k-nearest neighbor.

You can use the following code to select the 15 closest points to a specified point, p:

p = Point([-106.578677,35.062485])cursor.execute("SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(incidents.geom), ST_Distance(incidents.geom::geography,ST_GeometryFromText('{}')::geography) from incidents ORDER BY incidents.geom<->ST_GeometryFromText('{}') LIMIT 15".format(p.wkt,p.wkt))c=cursor.fetchall()for x in c:    layer=json.loads(x[0])    layergeojson=GeoJSON(data=layer)    map.add_layer(layergeojson)

The previous code creates a point using Shapely, ...

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