Creating a Model

As usual, we are going to start by creating the models. First, let's list the tables we will be working with and their columns:

  • Actor: actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update
  • Category: category_id, name, last_update
  • Language: language_id, name, last_update
  • City: city_id, city, country_id, last_update
  • Country: country_id, country, last_update

We could create one Model for each of these entities with no problem at all; however, we want to reuse as much code as possible. Take another look at the list of tables and their columns. Notice that all tables have one column in common—the last_update column.

All the previous tables have the last_update column in common. That being said, we can create a super model that contains this field. ...

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