The notifier stage

Let's now analyze our ElixirDrip upload stages by starting from the very end with our Notifier stage. As we just saw, when the pipeline-supervision tree starts, it passes a name and the subscription options to each stage. In this case, we start the process as a consumer with no relevant state:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip/lib/elixir_drip/storage/pipeline/notifier.exdefmodule ElixirDrip.Storage.Pipeline.Notifier do  use GenStage  require Logger  @dummy_state []  def start_link(name, subscription_options),    do: GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, subscription_options, name: name)  def init(subscription_options),    do: {:consumer, @dummy_state, subscription_options}  # implementing the GenStage.handle_events/3 callback # we delegate the event ...

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