Local Prometheus server

To test Prometheus locally, we will use Docker Compose to spin up a Prometheus container alongside the Postgres and ElixirDrip container we already have. The Prometheus container will also expose its port, and will hit the /metrics endpoint to scrape the application metrics. The Prometheus server knows about its targets through a configuration file. Let's create ours:

$ cat monitoring/prometheus.dev.ymlglobal:  scrape_interval: 15sscrape_configs:  - job_name: 'prometheus'    static_configs:      - targets: ['localhost:9090']  - job_name: 'elixir-drip'    static_configs:      - targets: ['app:4000']

As you can see, it is a YAML file that points to the available Prometheus targets. Our configuration is really simple, but you can configure ...

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