
Our ElixirDrip project allows users to safely store their media, and eventually share it with other users. Therefore, we need to have a way to represent users and media as database tables.

To help developers with this, Ecto has the schema construct. Its purpose is to establish a mapping between any information stored in the database and its representation in Elixir data structures.

Let's define the schema to represent the users' media:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip/lib/elixir_drip/storage/media.exdefmodule ElixirDrip.Storage.Media do  use Ecto.Schema  schema "storage_media" do    field :user_id, :id    field :file_name, :string    field :full_path, :string    field :file_size, :integer    field :metadata, :map, default: %{} field :encryption_key, :string ...

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