Strings and charlists

Strings are binaries with UTF-8 codepoints in them. You create a string with the usual double-quote syntax:

iex> "hey, a string""hey, a string"

Charlists are, as the name implies, lists of character codes. You create them using the single-quote syntax:

iex> 'hey, a charlist''hey, a charlist'

Since this is just a list, you can use the hd function to get the code for the first character:

iex> hd('hey, a charlist')104
You can find out the code of a certain character with the ? operator. For instance, to find out the character code of a lowercase d, you'd use ?d.

Both representations support string interpolation:

iex> "two plus two is: #{2+2}""two plus two is: 4"iex> 'four minus one is: #{4-1}''four minus one is: 3'

Both ...

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