
If you're looking for an implementation of a set in Elixir, you're looking for MapSet. You create and manipulate them with the functions from the MapSet module. Here are some examples:

iex> set =<[]>iex> set = MapSet.put(set, 1)#MapSet<[1]>iex> set = MapSet.put(set, 2)#MapSet<[1, 2]>iex> set = MapSet.put(set, 1)#MapSet<[1, 2]>

Sets, by definition, can't contain duplicates. So, inserting a value that's already there has no effect. You can find the documentation for the MapSet module at

There are three types, related to the underlying Erlang VM, that we have to mention before closing this section. They are as following:

  • Reference: A reference is a type created by the Kernel.make_ref ...

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