Satellite maps

There are many R packages on CRAN that can fetch data from Google Maps, Stamen, Bing, or OpenStreetMap—even some of the packages that we have previously used in this chapter, such as the ggmap package, can do this. Similarly, the dismo package also comes with both geo-coding and Google Maps API integration capabilities, and there are some other packages focused on that latter, such as the RgoogleMaps package.

Now we will use the OpenStreetMap package, mainly because it supports not only the awesome OpenStreetMap database back-end, but also a bunch of other formats as well. For example, we can render really nice terrain maps via Stamen:

> library(OpenStreetMap)
> map <- openmap(c(max(map_data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
+ min(map_data$x, na.rm ...

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