Using the clear method

Let's solve this using the clear property. What we'll do at the end of secondary-section is add a class of clear to a new div, using the following code:

<div class="clear"></div> 

Next, we'll go into our CSS, and in the area reserved for global styles, underneath the ruleset targeting the wrapper class; this is where we'll create the clear selector and add clear: both:

/***************Global***************/::-moz-selection {  background-color: #eb2428; }::selection {  background-color: #eb2428; }.wrapper {  margin: 0 auto;  width: 960px;}.clear {  clear: both;}

So, if we save this and return to the browser, our background color will be green with a bottom margin of 50px. Everything is working very well:

However, we've added ...

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