
Like most of James Reeves’ libraries, Compojure[22] inspires us to strive for elegance in our own work. If you’ve done any web work with Clojure, at some point you’ve probably used Compojure, on top of Ring,[23] to handle your HTTP routing. A typical app using Compojure starts out something like this:

(​ns​ hello-world
(:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
[compojure.route :refer [not-found]]))
(defroutes app
(GET ​"/"​ [] ​"Hello World"​)
(not-found ​"Page not found"​))

Before we look at the implementations of the Compojure bits that we’re using, take a moment to consider how concise this code is. Beyond the opening ns form, we need only a few lines of code (plus a bit of wiring in the

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