Converting the Java keyStore into a PKCS12 keyStore

For this step, it's a good idea to copy the node's keyStore to a location where the following is applicable:

  • You have full access or ownership of it
  • You aren't risking corrupting the original

For this example, I'll copy it to the .cassandra directory underneath my home dir (which you may need sudo access to do):

sudo cp conf/keystore ~/.cassandra/keystore

Now, converting the Java keyStore into a PKCS12 keyStore can easily be done:

cd ~/.cassandrakeytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore -destkeystore p12keystore -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass keystorepassword -deststorepass keystorepassword

This will produce a PKCS12 format keyStore file named p12keystore.

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