Deleting data

While deleting data and its associated implications have been discussed, there are times when rows or individual column values may need to be deleted. In our use case, we discussed the difficulties of trying to work with the primary key on something that needs to be dynamic, such as status. In our case, we have an extra row for our order that we need to delete:

DELETE FROM order_statusWHERE status='PENDING'AND order_id=fcb15fc2-feaa-4ba9-a3c6-899d1107cce9;

As mentioned previously, DELETE can also enforce the removal of individual column values:

DELETE shipping_weight_kg FROM order_statusWHERE status='PICKED'AND order_id=99886f63-f271-459d-b0b1-218c09cd05a2;
Again, take care when using DELETE. Deleting creates tombstones, which ...

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