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k-ary trees

Trees that have a branching factor of k. Branching factors of more than two children per node are useful when modeling certain situations, such as the 1-to-n relationship of a parent window and its children in a graphical windowing system, or a directory structure in a file system.

Red-black trees

Binary search trees that keep themselves approximately balanced by maintaining a color with each node, which is either red or black. By enforcing a policy about how nodes can be colored along a branch, red-black trees ensure that no branch will ever become more than twice as long as any other. The worst-case running time of searching a red-black tree is T (n) = 2k lg n, where n is the number of nodes in the tree, k is some constant, and T (n) = k lg n is the time to search a perfectly balanced tree.


Search trees used primarily to search sets of variable-length strings. Conceptually, the nodes at each level in a trie (pronounced “try”) represent all characters found at a particular position in the strings being searched. For example, the nodes immediately below the root represent all possible characters in position 1 of the strings, the next level represents all possible characters in position 2, and so forth. Thus, to look up a string, we start at the root and at each level follow the pointer to the node containing the next character in the string we are searching for. This procedure results in search times that are dependent on the size of the search string ...

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