3.2 Invariant measures and recurrence

3.2.1 Invariant laws and measures Invariant laws, stationary chain, and balance equations

Let c03-math-0296 be a Markov chain with matrix c03-math-0297, and c03-math-0298 be its instantaneous laws. Then, c03-math-0299 solves the linear (or affine) recursion c03-math-0300 and, under weak continuity assumptions, can converge to some law c03-math-0301 only if c03-math-0302 is a fixed point for the recursion, and hence only if c03-math-0303.

If a law c03-math-0304 is s.t. c03-math-0305, and if , then

and hence, is a Markov chain with matrix and initial law and thus has same law ...

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