Chapter 75


Viral Content

What's the most effective type of content?

Before we answer that, we have to determine what the options are. There are basically just four types of content available: text, audio, photos (or images), and video (or animation). Which do you think is the most effective from a marketing perspective? You guessed it. Video! People love video. Period. It's easy. It's intuitive. It's fun. Video requires the least amount of effort to watch, understand, and/or learn from. As a result, good video content tends to get shared more than other types of content.

Next up: where does your marketing content come from? Well, there are really just two places where relevant marketing content can come from: your business or your customers. Think about this for a minute. Peer reviews: that's content about your company provided by your customers. What about photos? Yes, you could be sharing photos of your business online, but your customers might be posting photos about your business too. What about videos? Same thing.

What's more effective, content provided by your business or content provided by your customers? Right again! Content provided by your customers is far more effective than content provided by your own business. It makes sense. People will always believe what someone else says about you more than what you say about yourself. It's more credible. It's a third-party endorsement, whether it's a positive comment or a negative one. So what's the most effective content ...

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