Chapter 71



Can you use Facebook for business?

Yes! Absolutely. But we need to begin with some of the basics. There are three different “facilities” you can use on Facebook: profiles, groups, and pages. Profiles are for individuals. You probably already have a profile. Profiles have “friends.” Groups are for multiple individuals with similar interests. Groups are built by profiles. A profile builds a group. Groups have “members.” Pages are specifically designed for public figures and businesses. Pages are built by profiles. A profile builds and becomes an “admin” for a page. Pages have “fans” or “likes.”

In the past, engaging with a page involved clicking a button called “become a fan,” hence the term “fan.” In 2010, Facebook replaced that vernacular with the “like” button. The change has resulted in an increased willingness of Facebook users to engage with Facebook pages. Anyway, both terms are regularly used to refer to page membership. Facebook pages can have multiple admins. You can add admins or remove them as circumstances change in your business. Also, when you become an admin for a page, it will not link back to your personal profile so it's a great way to keep your business and personal lives separate.

Now, let's take a look at how the Facebook facilities are different from each other.

If you want to see my profile, you have to jump over two hurdles to get there. First, you have to be on Facebook yourself. You have to have your own profile and be logged ...

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