Chapter 52

Publish Articles Online

Would you like your articles to be published on high traffic websites?

Of course you would. This chapter is about publishing educational articles online. Not only does this strategy drive targeted traffic to your website, but it also builds credibility and positions you as an expert in your field. To start the process, write an article demonstrating your expertise. It doesn't have to be long, just 500 to 700 words. Once the article is complete, there are many online article directories where you can publish your article along with an Author Resource Box where you can plug your website and include a link. One such directory is; this platform also provides an article distribution service. For less than $2, iSnare will distribute your article to literally thousands of different article directories.

It makes sense to understand the revenue model of these article directories. They want as many articles as they can get and they line the sides of their website with “Ads by Google,” hoping readers click on the ads. If they do, the article directory gets a small commission. The moral of the story is that they don't really care if your article is good or not. They just want the content. In other words, you don't have to be a recognized expert to get “published” on these directories. They'll take articles from anyone (as long as it's not sexually explicit, hate material, or other objectionable content).

In 2007, I did an experiment and published ...

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