Chapter 39

Blog Directories

Does anyone know you exist?

If you're like most bloggers, the answer is no. A lot of talented “content creators” publish inspiring blog posts that nobody ever reads! Sad but true. The next few chapters discuss blogging best practices and how you can share your brilliance with a global audience. It all begins with awareness. If nobody knows you exist, they have no way of endorsing your content and sharing it with their friends.

Today's Internet offers ever-expanding social media platforms where you can share your content with the world. But before we talk about those platforms in detail, we need to address the basics. There are hundreds of free blog directories on the Internet. You need to get registered on as many of those as you can. Blog directories are similar to the niche directories we discussed in the previous chapter. You won't get a lot of SEO benefits from the directory links. The main benefit is simply to populate the world of bloggers with your existence. Will the directories drive hundreds of unique visitors to your site? No, they won't. But they announce to the Internet world that you are there. Bottom line: You want to be listed in any place where somebody might find you.

In preparation for the project, you need to put some thought into your blog title and description. Even for those who have already finalized these details, it's worth taking a minute to rethink them. The description, in particular, is extremely valuable real estate and ...

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