
  1. 3M Post-it notes
  2. 4Ps
  3. 6 Is of E-marketing
  4. 80/20 rule see Pareto effect
  5. ‘10S’ approach to barriers
  6. a priori segmentation
  7. ABC see activity-based costing
  8. above-the-line expenditure see advertising
  9. accessible market size
  10. accessible volume/value, key accounts
  11. accountability framework
  12. accountancy
  13. accounting value
  14. ACORN categories
  15. acquisition of customers
  16. activation activities
  17. activities
    1. key activity plan
    2. outcomes linking
    3. sponsorship
  18. activity-based costing (ABC)
  19. added values
    1. definition
    2. experience effect
    3. shareholder value
    4. value added chain
  20. addressability, communications
  21. administrative role, planners
  22. advertising
    1. definition
    2. media choice
    3. new product adoption
    4. objective-setting
    5. plan preparation
    6. social media
    7. strategic role
  23. affiliate marketing
  24. aggregating products/services
  25. agrochemical companies
  26. airline industry
  27. Amazon
  28. analysis team, DPM
  29. annuity market
  30. Ansoff, Igor
  31. Ansoff Matrix
    1. exercises
    2. gap analysis
    3. outcomes linking
    4. review
  32. appendices inclusion
  33. arts sponsorship
  34. asset base constraints
  35. assets
    1. brands as
    2. expenditure and
    3. map of marketing
    4. market segmentation
    5. see also intangibles
  36. assumptions
    1. documentation
    2. exercises
    3. organization chart model
  37. assurance, customer services
  38. attitudes
    1. benefit analysis
    2. development of
    3. market segmentation
    4. outcomes linking
    5. pricing
  39. attractiveness factors
    1. key accounts
    2. markets
    3. scoring
    4. segments
  40. audits
    1. customer/services
    2. distribution audit
    3. hierarchy of
    4. management audit
    5. see also marketing audit
  41. autonomy crises
  42. aviation market
  43. awareness creation, advertising ...

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