Chapter 3. Filtering Patterns

The patterns in this chapter all have one thing in common: they don’t change the actual records. These patterns all find a subset of data, whether it be small, like a top-ten listing, or large, like the results of a deduplication. This differentiates filtering patterns from those in the previous chapter, which was all about summarizing and grouping data by similar fields to get a top-level view of the data. Filtering is more about understanding a smaller piece of your data, such as all records generated from a particular user, or the top ten most used verbs in a corpus of text. In short, filtering allows you to apply a microscope to your data. It can also be considered a form of search. If you are interested in finding all records that involve a particular piece of distinguishing information, you can filter out records that do not match the search criteria.

Sampling, one common application of filtering, is about pulling out a sample of the data, such as the highest values for a particular field or a few random records. Sampling can be used to get a smaller, yet representative, data set in which more analysis can be done without having to deal with the much larger data set. Many machine learning algorithms simply do not work efficiently over a large data set, so tools that build models need to be applied to a smaller subset.

A subsample can also be useful for development purposes. Simply grabbing the first thousand records typically is not the best sample ...

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