Windows 9x Startup

To run MySQL on a Windows 9x system, you need TCP/IP support installed. This can be found on your Windows CD-ROM, if you have not installed it already. If your computer can connect to the Internet in any way, it already has TCP/IP support installed.


If you are running Windows 95, make sure you have the right version of Winsock. MySQL requires Winsock 2. Obtain the latest version of Winsock from This is not an issue for users of Windows 98 or Windows Me.

You will need to choose which server you would like to run from those described in Table 2-2. Note that you can run the '-nt’ binaries, but you don’t benefit from it, because named pipes are not supported on the Windows 9x platform. Assume for our example we have decided to run mysql-opt. To get the server started, open an MS-DOS window and type:

C:\> c:\mysql\bin\mysqld-opt

To stop the server, in an MS-DOS window type:

C:\> c:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root shutdown

To get MySQL to start automatically with the operating system, stick a shortcut to the winmysqladmin.exe application in the StartUp folder. This will also have MySQL shut down automatically when you restart or shut down Windows.

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