Chapter 10

Case Studies: Making it Happen

“The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)

This chapter discusses a number of cases from the private and public sectors in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom that serve to illustrate selected principles that have been reviewed in preceding chapters. The cases are presented as they stand, complete in the sense that they reflect actual practice within these organizations and serve to illustrate key principles in the book, including social media outreach—one-through-one—and teaching new behaviors to existing customers. These cases have been selected because they reflect leading-edge practice in one or more dimensions, in some cases of a pioneering nature as organizations identified and addressed new customers and new customer relationships. Conversely, the cases were not selected to illustrate the completeness of every aspect associated with the management of stakeholder behaviors in each organization. Cases for organizations are reviewed, in alphabetical order, as follows:

  • Dell
  • Leicester City—National Health Service, United Kingdom
  • New York City—Health and Human Services
  • TransGaming, and
  • TransLink.



Dell is obviously a well-known computer and computer systems company. This case focuses on one of Dell's lines of business—the firm's provision of cloud-based medical archives that enable healthcare organizations to improve and accelerate processes for diagnosing and ...

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