Praise for Managing the Millennials

“For any leader who is interested in passing along a legacy to future generations, Managing the Millennials is a must-read. This book provides practical instruction on how to relationally connect with the growing and influential workforce that will one day run the world, emphasizing a mature approach to coaching and relating—while realizing the potential for change in yourself in the process. I'm confident you will enjoy reading it, just as I did.”

—Patrick McClenahan, former president/general manager, CBS2/KCAL9, Los Angeles, CA

“As a legacy organization, we are concerned about who will carry the torch of Special Olympics forward. Our mission is relevant as ever but we really believe our future is dependent upon a new generation of athletes, coaches, volunteers, and staff grasping the vision. Managing the Millennials has helped our leadership team understand how to engage Millennials in the present so that we can count on them in the future.”

—Bill Shumard, president, Special Olympics Southern California

“There is an old country saying that goes—‘It ain't what you don't know that'll kill you, it's what you know for sure that ain't so.’ This book exposes misconceptions about Millennials and, in a measured and logical way, calls for managers to change their thinking and behavior in order to achieve success with this generation of workers. To ignore these findings could be fatal.”

—David Lucas, chairman of the board, The Bonita Bay Group

“What ...

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