
We would like to thank all those colleagues and students at SPRU, CENTRIM, Exeter and elsewhere, who have provided feedback on our work. We are also grateful for the more formal input provided by various anonymous reviewers whose comments and suggestions helped develop this new edition, and the experience and expertise shared by the participants in the professional faculty workshops held in London, Manchester, Rotterdam and Barcelona.

Thanks are also due to Emma Taylor, Dave Francis, Stefan Kohn, Philip Cullimore, Fabian Schlage, Helle-Vibeke Carstensen, Francisco Pinhero, Melissa Clark-Reynolds, Armin Rau, Catherina van Delden, Simon Tucker, Girish Prabhu, Richard Philpott, David Simoes-Brown, Alastair Ross, Suzana Moreira, Michael Bartl, Roy Sandbach, Lynne Maher, Helen King, Patrick McLaughlin, David Overton, Michelle Lowe, Gerard Harkin, Dorothea Seebode, John Thesmer, Tim Craft, Bettina von Stamm and Kathrin Moeslein for their help in creating case studies and podcast/video material for the text and website. Particular thanks are due to Anna Trifilova for her help in background research and assembling many of the web-based cases.

As always we're really grateful for the help and support of the extended team at John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, who have practised what we preach with their seamless cross-functional working, especially Steve Hardman, Deb Egleton, Mark Styles, Sarah Booth, Peter Hudson, Juliet Booker, Joel Balbin and Lynette Woodward.

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