Usenet Integration

Cyrus IMAP supports exporting Usenet news groups as mailboxes. If you run an INN server at your site, the Cyrus distribution provides utilities that allow you to integrate Usenet news into Cyrus. INN is beyond the scope of this book—we assume that, if you attempt to integrate news with Cyrus, you have a working knowledge of the INN server.

Programs for News Integration

Four programs, collectnews, rmnews, syncnews, and feedcyrus are provided with the Cyrus distribution for managing and integrating newsgroups with Cyrus. The programs are located in /usr/cyrus/bin. Each command, except feedcyrus, is further documented in section 8 of the online manual pages.


collectnews adds a list of news articles to the Cyrus auxiliary databases. When collectnews comes across a newsgroup that does not have a corresponding IMAP mailbox, it creates one.


rmnews removes a list of canceled, superseded, and expired news articles from the Cyrus auxiliary databases and unlinks the article files.


syncnews compares the news active file with the full list of IMAP news mailboxes and removes mailboxes that are not found in the active file. If newsgroups in the active file are found that do not have a corresponding mailbox, then the mailbox is created.


feedcyrus is a shell script that sends news to the Cyrus IMAP server. The script is created during the installation process if the build was configured to support news.

Configuring News

Integrating ...

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