Where to Get the Software

The canonical source of information on where to obtain the Cyrus IMAP server is the Cyrus IMAP Server Home Page at http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/download/. Toward the top of the first page of that site is a link to download the current distribution. You can also go to ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/cyrus-mail/ and select the latest version, or an earlier stable release, such as 1.5.19, if you so desire.

As we mentioned earlier, you will need a few other pieces of software, namely sendmail and Tcl, and for Versions 1.6 and higher,[31] you will need Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer). Cyrus IMAP has hooks for Kerberos and Sieve, a server-side filtering language, but both are optional.

The current version of sendmail is always available from the Sendmail Current Release web page located at http://www.sendmail.org/current-release.html. Do yourself and your users a favor and don’t even think about using the version of sendmail that comes with your OS.[32] Not only is it practically guaranteed not to include desirable new features, but it’s an almost sure bet that there are undocumented security problems that are likely to bait any less-than-ethical folks whose talent outstrips their self-restraint.

The canonical source for Tcl is the web site for Scriptics, the company formed by John Ousterhout, the original author of Tcl: http://www.scriptics.com/.

SASL is required only for Versions 1.6 and later of Cyrus IMAP. If you’ve opted to stick ...

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