
Appendix A: Mathematical background

This appendix reviews some important mathematical concepts that are used throughout the book. However, it does not give mathematically exact formulations or proofs. For these we refer to specialised books on econometrics, stochastic analysis or financial mathematics.


A.1.1 Linear Regression

A linear regression models a linear relationship between a dependent variable y and a number of independent variables (regressors) xu…,xn of the form


where ∊ is an error term. Setting x1 = la constant term can be included in the model. The linear regression is used to find the coefficients of such a relationship based on a number of observations on y and xi. If those observations are made at different times t, the given data is yt and xti for i = 1,…n and t = 1,…N and the linear relation becomes


In vector notation, using y = (y1…,yN)T, β = (β1,…βn)T ∊ = (∊1,…,∊N)T, and X for the N × n-matrix (xti), this is written as


The ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator for β minimises the quadratic error


The solution to this problem is ...

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