

Absolute addresses, 469

Absolute cell addressing, 459

Absolute cell references, 467

Additivity, 219

Advertising budget problem, 31922

Algorithms, 187

Alldifferent constraint, 327, 331

Allocation models, 2216

formulation, 2212

optimization, 2246

spreadsheet model, 2224

Analysis using spreadsheets, 7187

base-case analysis, 72

breakeven analysis, 813

optimization analysis, 83

risk analysis, 84

simulation, 84

what-if analysis, 7281. See also individual entry

Analytic Solver Platform, 187

ANDandOR function, 483

Arithmetic operations, 468

Assignment model, 2669

model formulation, 267

optimization, 268

sensitivity analysis, 2689

spreadsheet model, 2678

Assortment model, 30910

Auditing software use, 68

Average, 501

Average outcome, 363


Back propagation, 160

Backward elimination, 146

Baker, K, 5

Balance equation, 271

Base-case analysis using spreadsheets, 72

Base-case model, 3678, 3768, 41618, 4225

Base value, 168, 179

Basic functions, 469473

advanced functions, 483486

ANDandOR, 483


COUNTIF, 484485

financial functions, 486

FLOOR, 486

HLOOKUP, 484485

INDEX, 485486

INT, 486

MATCH, 485486

RAND, 486


ROUND, 486

SMALL, 485486

SUMIF, 484

Text and Date functions, 486

VLOOKUP, 484485

ISPMT function, 470471

nesting of functions, 473

NPV Function, 472

Bayes Rule, 130

Benchmark criteria, 734, 3389

maximax payoff criterion, 338

maximin payoff criterion, 338

minimax regret criterion, 339

Bernoulli distribution, 394, 498

Binary categorical ...

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