
Management 12e was initiated and completed with the support of my talented and dedicated development editor Susan McLaughlin, Executive Editor Lise Johnson who never failed to support the project and the entire team through all of its ups and downs, and ever-helpful Content Editor Jennifer Manias. We have all benefitted from the further support of an expert Wiley team that includes George Hoff man (publisher), Yana Mermel (Editorial Operations Manager), Harry Nolan (designer), Hilary Newman, Susan McLaughlin and Jeri Stratford (photo research), Suzanne Ingrao (Ingrao Associates), Erin Bascom (production), Kelly Simmons and Amy Scholz (marketing), as well as the help of Teri Stratford (photos). As always, I have been fortunate during this revision to have worked with the support and encouragement of my wife Ann. She perseveres even when “the book” overwhelms many of life's opportunities. I am also grateful to be working in a college and university that values teaching most highly, and to have the special advantages of scholarly challenge and inspiration from my colleagues Lenie Holbrook and Will Lamb.

I thank William Turnley of Kansas State University for his contributions to updating Chapters 13 and 16. I also thank the following colleagues whose help with this book at various stages of its life added to my understanding.

Carl Adams, University of Minnesota; Todd Allessandri, Northeastern University; Allen Amason, University of Georgia; Lydia Anderson, Fresno City ...

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