Chapter 16. Memory Forensics: Code Injection and Extraction

Malware leverages code injection to perform actions from within the context of another process. By doing so, the malware can force a legitimate process to perform actions on its behalf, such as downloading additional trojans or stealing information from the system. Attackers can inject code into a process in many ways, such as writing to the remote process's memory directly or adding a registry key that makes new processes load a DLL of the attacker's choice. This chapter discusses how you can determine if any processes on the system are victims of code injection, and if so, how you can extract the memory segments that contain malicious code.

Investigating DLLs

Every _EPROCESS structure contains a member called the PEB (Process Environment Block). The PEB contains the full path to the process executable, the full command line used to start the process, the current working directory, and three doubly linked lists that contain the full path to DLLs loaded by the process. All three lists should contain the same DLLs, but ordered differently depending on their position in memory (InMemoryOrderModuleList), when they were loaded (InLoadOrderModuleList), and when they initialized (InInitializationOrderList).

To enumerate the loaded DLLs in a process, you can parse the three doubly linked lists. Using WinDbg (once again on an XP system for our examples), you can see that at offset 0xC of the PEB there is a member named Ldr, which ...

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