Chapter 11. Debugging Malware

Debuggers are essential tools for malware analysis. They allow inspection of code at a more granular level than dynamic analysis and give full control over the malware's run-time behaviors. Using debuggers, you can execute each instruction at your convenience instead of at the pace of a modern processor. In other words, you can execute the program in slow motion while studying its every action. You can also use a debugger to execute a few select functions instead of the entire program, which is helpful if you need to bypass anti-debugging code.

Many different debuggers and debugging tools are available to analysts. Some tasks require debugging in kernel mode, which is covered in Chapter 14. To debug programs in user mode, which is the focus of this chapter, you can use a GUI-based debugger, such as OllyDbg or Immunity Debugger. Both of these debuggers allow you to extend their features with existing plug-ins or ones that you create. For example, you can use OllyScript, which is an assembly-like language to develop plug-ins for OllyDbg. Immunity Debugger has a built-in Python interface and a strong API specifically designed for researching vulnerabilities and performing malware analysis. If you don't require a GUI, you can use a pure Python framework such as pydbg or winappdbg. Using these tools, you can create your own handlers for events and exceptions, which enables you to control a program in an automated fashion.

Although this chapter begins with ...

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