
Note: Bold page numbers indicate information in a table and italic page numbers show information contained in a figure.

AA1000 Assurance Standard 246, 254-55, 256

ABN AMRO 119, 222

absorptive capacity 202-3

Abt Associates 247

AccountAbility 73, 246

accountability 23, 27-28, 44

accountability cycle 27-28, 28

evaluating executives 127-28

internal waste tax 133-34

reporting 221, 231

role of EMS certification 64

accounting system 101-5, 130, 138, 230-31

actions 35-37, 171-72, 176

activity-based costing (ABC) 101-2

adidas Group 217, 234, 235, 236


human rights 32

South Africa 98, 213

AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) 97

Alcatel-Lucent 25, 64

Alcoa, Brazil 39, 54, 98, 131

aluminum cans 206

Amanco Guatemala 212

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